Swimming, and how Osteopathic care can help support your training

Whether you enjoy swimming lengths or whether you enjoy a couple of aqua jogging classes a week, swimming has an abundance of benefits for your physical and mental health. Unlike high-impact sports like running and tennis, swimming gives you the opportunity to do a full body yet low impact workout. It’s great for your cardiovascular system, and moving through the resistance of the water will gently work your muscles.

Key benefits of swimming

  • Heart Health: Swimming is aerobic fitness which improves your cardiovascular system.  Your heart will become stronger, and your lungs become more efficient in utilizing oxygen as you train. Swimming has been linked to improvements in high blood pressure, and other markers of cardiovascular health.
  • Less stress, more sleep: Exercise promotes restful sleep and lowers stress - swimming is no exception. Aerobic exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, better known as the feel-good hormone. These endorphins help relax you, reduce anxiety and relieve depression. The physical exertion and mental relaxation are the perfect combination for a good sleep and a calmer mind.
  • Weight Loss: Swimming is an all over body workout, generally the more muscles you engage during a workout, the more calories you’ll use. You can burn more calories vigorously swimming for 30 minutes compared to a slow jog. Swimming not only burns calories but builds muscle and enhances your flexibility.
  • Pregnancy: Whether your newly pregnant or near full term swimming is a great option to keep active. It’s one of the safest options for expectant mothers because you can exercise without placing stress on the body. Water is a great form of pain relief, being buoyant in the water will alleviate some pressure on your body from the extra weight you’re carrying during your pregnancy.

How Osteopathy can help support your swimming journey

Swimming is a harmonious movement of your body's musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic techniques ensure your muscles, tendons, and joints are in tune. Using gentle guided stretches, joint manipulation and precise soft tissue techniques, we can release any tension and promote better function.

Whether you're new to swimming or a seasoned competitor, the repetitive nature of swimming strokes and turns can sometimes lead to some discomfort, inflammation, and pain. Osteopathic treatment can alleviate chronic inflammation and promote recovery to ensure your training isn’t hindered by injury.

Dive in and give swimming a try, our experienced Osteopaths can support you on your swimming journey, whatever level that may be!

If you'd like to make a booking, you can call our friendly reception team on 03 3556166, or use the following link to book online;

Merivale Osteo


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